One of our goals is to provide historic interpretation of the cemetery. We publish well-researched brochures, books, and newsletters. Historic markers, describing early Eugeneans who made a difference, are maintained near gravesites. An on-site bulletin board is provided, and Hope Abbey is a venue for occasional lectures, as well as for the summer Music to Die For concert series.
City founder Eugene Skinner is buried here, and also the first governor of Oregon, John Whiteaker. Civil War veterans rest near 20th century radio personality Carolyn Spector.
Notables include the first presidents of both the University of Oregon and Northwest Christian College. Prominent family names like Chambers, Friendly, Condon, Luckey, Collier, McCornack, and Kerns pepper the hillside. A list of burials is a new addition to this website.
“An old cemetery holds the stories of all the people buried in it—of their hopes and dreams, how their lives were shaped and how they shaped others”—Full of Life