Publications at the Garden Cottage Kiosk
Hope Abbey Mausoleum (845 KB)
Tales to Tell (257k) More Tales (179 KB)
Famous People Tour (913 KB)
Trees of Eugene Masonic Cemetery (940 KB)
The Dying Art of Gravestone Carving (4.1 MB)
The book Full of Life, The History and Character of Eugene’s Masonic Cemetery, is available here to download free:
Introduction (2 pages)
Movers and Shakers (5 pages)
Lesser Known but Not Forgotten (6 pages)
The Masons (2 pages)
Life and Death in Early Days (4 pages)
Ceremonies of Death (3 pages)
The University of Oregon (4 pages)
The Old Clay Pit (1 page)
The Mausoleum (2 pages)
Natural History (4 pages)
Bibliography and Notes (1 page)
The EMCA publishes a semiannual printed newsletter, Monumental News, and also distributes the monthly electronic newsletter EMCA eNewsletter. Back issues of these are available at the indicated links. To get on or off the mailing list for either or both of these, you may send an email request with your name and address(es). You may also sign up for our monthly eNewsletter here.