The pioneers who first established the cemetery had it formally platted in a grid with streets and alleys. Family plots, measuring 20 x 20 feet, were purchased by pioneer subscribers for a mere $15.
Today, a limited number of burial spaces are still available. Lots for full body burials or cremated remains are located in various areas throughout the cemetery. Due to our historic status, we strive to integrate new burials within the framework of our historic layout and heritage landscape.
To further maintain the historic integrity of the site, new monuments must conform to the cemetery’s rules for marker design.
The Memorial Overlook, Memorial Garden, and Hope Abbey Mausoleum provide other interment options.
For a current price list and other details, please email emca1859@gmail.com or call (541) 684-0949.
By law, we place a portion of the proceeds of interment rights sales into an endowment to support perpetual care of the cemetery.