Eugene Masonic Cemetery Association eNewsletter
Hope Abbey Mausoleum

Did you Know?

Winter is a great time to bird watch in the cemetery.  Look for wild turkeys competing with cemetery squirrels for acorns.  You may see large flocks of thrushes and American robins feeding on the berries of holly and hawthorn trees.  Kinglets, bushtits, warblers, and occasionally a Pileated Woodpecker also frequent the cemetery during the winter months.

The Eugene Masonic Cemetery has available space for burials and cremations. For cremains, we offer the Scatter Garden, niches within Hope Abbey and in-ground burials. Email to Administrator Sally Dietrich for more information, or
call (541) 684-0949.
Link to


Consider making a contribution today through PayPal, available on our website. When you click below, you'll be taken to the EMCA website where you can access the PayPal donate button. Help us preserve this important part of Eugene's history. Thank you. 



Please  Click to Donate 
Music To Die For
Travel back four Centuries

Ensemble Primo Seicento
Sunday, September 27th at 2 PM 

Inspired by Venice's golden age, Ensemble Primo Seicento has been mining the wealth of music published in northern Italy in the early 17th century, when the first Baroque composers were pursuing their goal of portraying vivid emotions both in song and in instrumental music. We use combinations of voices and instruments similar to what could have been heard in a Venetian church back then.

The ensemble is (L to R) Doug Sears, cornetto & voice,
Barrett Codieck, baroque trombone , Margret Gries, harpsichord,  Bodie Pfost, Baroque trombone
and voice, and Holly Roberts, baroque violin.

Performances start at 2 PM and last approximately one hour. These concerts are free, but seating is limited, so please arrive early. 
Calling for Volunteers
"I remember the first time I walked through the Eugene Masonic Cemetery. I was awestruck by how much time had been invested in its care and restoration; and this was before I saw the inside of Hope Abbey! My awe grew when I discovered that such a small number of people had done this work as a non-profit association. I immediately wanted to help."
So said visitor Crystal Persi, who followed through with her wish and is now an active Board member of the Masonic Cemetery!
Do you share this awe? If so we need you! From time to time EMCA has special work parties and projects in addition to ongoing work for which we need assistance. These tasks can range from pulling invasive weeds to cleaning monuments to grant writing to addressing envelopes to fundraising. Add loading and hauling landscape debris to that list. 
In order to facilitate the development of a pool of volunteers, Crystal created an online form, making it easy to volunteer your talents with this important civic organization. If you are interested in being on the volunteer list, please go to this link: Volunteer signup form.
If you don't have internet access or would rather not do the online process, you can contact Crystal at or (541) 510-5704. She will take care of gathering the needed information and entering it into our volunteer list.
Rest assured that only EMCA board members and employees have access to the database that is generated from this online form. We will not share your information with any outside organization.

John Bredesen
eNewsletter Editor