Eugene Masonic Cemetery Association eNewsletter
Hope Abbey Mausoleum

In This Issue
Last Sunday Open House
Landscape Work Party
Memorial Weekend
Music To Die For
Did You Know?
 The Eugene Masonic Cemetery is the final resting place of 32 Civil War Veterans? Most were survivors originally from the East coast or Midwest who moved West after the war and settled in Oregon.   


Consider making a contribution through PayPal, available on our website. When you click below, you'll be taken to the EMCA website, where you can access the PayPal donate button. Help us preserve this important part of Eugene's history. Thank you. 



"Last Sunday of the Month" Open House

The Eugene Masonic Cemetery Association welcomes visitors to Hope Abbey on the last Sunday of each month except December, from 1 to 4 pm. Open once a month to the public, this mausoleum is a local treasure. At least two Board or staff hosts will be present to answer any questions you may have. Please stop by May 27th and say "Hello."

Located at 25th and University. Questions: call 541-684-0949 or email
Take Care of Cemetery
Work Party
The EMCA will host its spring work party on Saturday, May 19th from 10 am to 1 pm.

Cemetery board members and landscape staff look forward to working with community volunteers. We will meet at Hope Abbey at 10 am. Please bring gloves for landscape work. All other equipment will be provided.
This is a wonderful opportunity to work with others to make lasting landscape improvements and to prepare the cemetery for Memorial Day weekend. Please join us!
Memorial Day Weekend Events
By Karen Seidel

On this year's Memorial Day weekend (May 26–28) the Eugene Masonic Cemetery will pay tribute to all the veterans buried in the cemetery. Originally designated as "Decoration Day" in 1868, it was intended to honor Union soldiers of the Civil War.  Following World War I, the day was renamed "Memorial Day" for the purpose of honoring veterans from all wars.

Over one hundred known veterans from wars, ranging from the "Indian wars" in the mid-1800s to the Vietnam War, are buried in the Masonic Cemetery.  One-third of these veterans fought in the Civil War, and almost that many participated in World War II. Smaller numbers saw conflict in the Spanish-American War, World War I, and Korea.  Four of the veterans are women.

To recognize and commemorate these veterans, flags will fly over their graves.  Taps will be played each noon in the Public Square. "Find the Veterans History Hunt," an opportunity for children and families to learn more about the veterans' experiences, will be offered throughout the weekend, with prizes awarded for those completing the hunt.

A guided walking tour of the cemetery will be offered each day following the playing of Taps.  Board member Caroline Forell will lead a tour of the dying art of gravestone carving on Saturday. On Sunday Board member Dina Wills will share information on cemetery highlights, and groundskeeper Diego Llewellyn-Jones will provide a landscape tour on Monday.  Each tour will begin at the Public Square.

Hope Abbey will feature various displays that will engage visitors.  "Before" and "After" pictures of the cemetery and mausoleum will illustrate the progress EMCA has made in improving their appearance and condition.  A large floral display of flowers, plants, and noxious weeds from the cemetery will again take center stage. Cemetery maps will also be on display.

Cake and coffee will be served each afternoon.  The cakes will again be designed and prepared by student chefs in South Eugene High's "South Fork Pantry."

Board member Alex Brokaw is coordinating the weekend events.  All events are free and open to the public.
Sacred Harp Sing Thursday, May 31:  7:30 pm

Sacred Harp Singers will present its 16th annual performance of folk hymn singing in the "shape note" tradition.  All are welcome to participate or listen to this joyful music making in Hope Abbey.
Music To Die For Returns June 24th

June will see the return of Music To Die For, the popular music series hosted by the Eugene Masonic Cemetery Assn. This will be the 8th year of these free programs which began as a way of thanking our many friends and neighbors for the support provided in helping restore the cemetery and Hope Abbey.

These free programs featuring local musicians are presented at 2 PM on the days listed. All are Sundays.

June 24: Carleen & Mike McCornack:
Original and contemporary folk-influenced music. Vocal harmony and guitar accompaniment.

July 29: Tim Danforth, Carl Falsgraf and Barbara Healey
Three Eugene songwriters share original music rooted in blues, folk and Americana.

August 26: Grand Ronde String Band:   
Four-piece string band rooted in old timey and bluegrass elements of jazz, soul and country.

September 30: Ensemble Primo Seicento:  
17th Century music and period instruments.

October 28 Central Horns: 
A horn quartet playing a variety of music from Classical to Contemporary. Based at Central Lutheran Church, hence the name of the group.   

John Bredesen
eNewsletter Editor
Eugene Masonic Cemetery Association, 25th & University, Eugene, OR 97405
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