Eugene Masonic Cemetery Association eNewsletter
Hope Abbey Mausoleum

In This Issue
Music To Die For
Jim Luckey
Did you Know?

Thistledown Farm on River Road, one of our many local sources of summer and fall produce, was originally owned and farmed by the Vitus clan?  Augustus J.F. Vitus and family arrived in Lane County in 1879 and set to work on the land north of Santa Clara.  After surviving bad crops and heavy debt, the farm proved successful and remained in the family until the 1930s. 

Ten Vitus family members are interred in Hope Abbey.

The Eugene Masonic Cemetery has available space for burials and cremations. For cremains, we offer the Scatter Garden, niches within Hope Abbey and in-ground burials. Email to Administrator Sally Dietrich for more information, or
call (541) 684-0949.
Link to


Consider making a contribution today through PayPal, available on our website. When you click below, you'll be taken to the EMCA website where you can access the PayPal donate button. Help us preserve this important part of Eugene's history. Thank you. 



Please  Click to Donate 
Music To Die For 
Barbershop Harmony

Social Insecurity

(Sunday, July 26th at 2 PM) 


Formed in May of 2009, this quartet immediately won the Oregon Senior Barbershop Quartet competition. They followed that with a win at the Evergreen District Senior Quartet competition in Whistler, British Columbia, and were honored to have been awarded 4th place bronze medals in the Barbershop Harmony Society's Mid Winter convention in Tampa, Florida in January 2010. They are, left to right, Gary Raze, Kevin Stephens, Marty Anderson and Bob Martindale. You get to figure out who sings which part! 


This program on Sunday, July 26th, will lead off at 2 PM with a select chorus of men from the larger, award winning Cascade Chorus, to be followed by "Social Insecurity". You'll know close harmony when you hear it! Come join us.  



Here's the rest of the Summer's performance lineup:

August 30: A return visit from The Porch Band; three very talented guys having fun with "Americana" folk music. They last appeared with MTDF in 2013. (The group "Karass" was originally scheduled for this date, but due to an unforeseen scheduling conflict, they were unable to perform as planned.

September 27: Ensemble Primo Seicento A group specializing in seventeenth century music for voices, cornetto, violin, sackbut, and organ.

October 25th: Alder Street Winds A very local woodwind group.

These Music To Die For summer concerts are presented at 2 PM on the last Sunday of the months of June through October, and are free to the public. Additional Information on performances will be posted as it becomes available.
Jim Luckey

Jim Luckey, long time Treasurer of the Eugene Masonic Cemetery, passed away on Sunday, July 12. A Star Spangled kid, he was born on the 4th of July in 1927. He was a graduate of South Eugene H.S. and the University of Oregon. Jim is survived by his wife, Annie and three sons. A Memorial Service will be held on Maui, Hawaii at a later date.

Jim was a very early EMCA Board member and worked closely with Kay Holbo and other Board members to get the then new Eugene Masonic Cemetery Association on firm financial ground.

Jim's obituary is in the Sunday, July 19th, 2015 edition of the Eugene Register-Guard. RIP, Kimo. 
John Bredesen
eNewsletter Editor