The Fence Project
Charley Wright, EMCA president
To address recurring security issues, we will be putting a six-foot wrought-iron fence across the north end of the cemetery. The fencing will continue diagonally across the northeast corner of the property.
Why? For some time we've been having trouble with people dashing up the north slope to use the grounds as a latrine, as well as problems with beer parties and camping there
. As things stand now, such people not only have easy access, they can also run off the property to the northeast, making it difficult to confront them.
The fence won't prevent access. It will still be possible for everyone to walk in the main entrance at 25th and University, yet we think it will discourage the most inappropriate behavior. We're currently working to clear vegetation in the northeast part of the grounds to make it harder to hide there. Closing off the escape route in the corner should help, too.
An unavoidable impact of this project will be that people who now enter on informal paths toward the east end
--- for example, to walk their dogs
--- will need to go farther to enter the property. As compensation, though, they'll have a more pleasant place to visit.
We expect to install the fence this spring once our contractor knows the price of steel. It will be expensive, but we feel a responsibility as owners and caretakers of this unique community treasure to protect the cemetery from inappropriate use and to make it attractive and inviting to those who respect and appreciate its special nature.