Eugene Masonic Cemetery Association eNewsletter
Hope Abbey Mausoleum

What's in this issue? January, 2019
Did you know?
Space in Cemetery
Music To Die For
Amazon Smile
The Fence Project
The Challenge
Time to visit the cemetery
Cemetery Preservation Workshop
Did You Know?
Did you know that there are many "taphophiles" lurking in the Masonic Cemetery? In fact, we have many of them.
A "taphophile" is defined as one who loves cemeteries. Although few of them could tell you the definition of the word, many will happily tell you of the pleasure of coming upon an unknown cemetery and taking time to examine tombstones, vegetation, the general condition and the "ambiance" of the place, its oldest occupants, the views, and interesting epitaphs or idiosyncrasies.
If you are a closet taphophile, head for the Masonic Cemetery. You will find many kindred spirits.
The Eugene Masonic Cemetery has available space for burials and cremations. Email Sally Dietrich by clicking here for more information. Or call her at 541-684-0949.
Music To Die For
The ninth season of Music To Die For will begin on Sunday, June 30, 2019, at 2 pm.  
Thanks for your support, and we hope to see you there. 

Many of you have an account with But did you know they have a program to support charitable organizations called AmazonSmile?

AmazonSmile is a simple, automatic way to support the Eugene Masonic Cemetery every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you purchase at, you'll find the exact same  prices, selection and  shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon donates a portion of the purchase price to the EMCA if you designate us as your recipient charity.

To use AmazonSmile, go to from your web browser or mobile device. Consider adding a bookmark to make it even easier to return and start your shopping at AmazonSmile.

You use the same account on and AmazonSmile. Your shopping cart, wish list, wedding or baby registry, and other account settings are all the same.

Read more about AmazonSmile. 
The Fence Project
Charley Wright, EMCA president

To address recurring security issues, we will be putting a six-foot wrought-iron fence across the north end of the cemetery. The fencing will continue diagonally across the northeast corner of the property.

Why? For some time we've been having trouble with people dashing up the north slope to use the grounds as a latrine, as well as problems with beer parties and camping there . As things stand now, such people not only have easy access, they can also run off the property to the northeast, making it difficult to confront them.

The fence won't prevent access. It will still be possible for everyone to walk in the main entrance at 25th and University, yet we think it will discourage the most inappropriate behavior. We're currently working to clear vegetation in the northeast part of the grounds to make it harder to hide there. Closing off the escape route in the corner should help, too.

An unavoidable impact of this project will be that people who now enter on informal paths toward the east end ---    for example, to walk their dogs ---    will need to go farther to enter the property. As compensation, though, they'll have a more pleasant place to visit.

We expect to install the fence this spring once our contractor knows the price of steel. It will be expensive, but we feel a responsibility as owners and caretakers of this unique community treasure to protect the cemetery from inappropriate use and to make it attractive and inviting to those who respect and appreciate its special nature.
The Challenge
Denny Hellesvig, EMCA board member

Money for the fence will have to come from donors. Two friends of the cemetery, Hugh Prichard, former president of EMCA, and Kevin Shanley, a close neighbor, have offered $4,000 if we can raise an additional $4,000. The money raised by this challenge will ensure that all of the fence directly along East 25th will be the high-quality iron picket type originally planned for just the western portion.
Since EMCA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, any contribution you choose to make toward this project will be tax deductible. Please send a check marked Fence Challenge to EMCA, PO Box 5934, Eugene, OR 97405.
We are grateful for any help you can give us to complete this preservation project.
A Time In The Cemetery
Rich Maris, EMCA board member 
You may have asked, "What is the best time to visit the Eugene Masonic Cemetery?" Everyone has their own preferences for different reasons. If being able to see the greatest number of monuments and markers is the aim, it would be late fall to just before the vegetation begins to sprout and blossom out. The leaves are gone and the grass is down at ground level providing broad vistas and expanses of visual opportunity, making it much easier to decide what path to take. Later in the spring and summer, vegetation, including tall grasses, obscures much of what the cemetery has to offer.  
So, now is the time for that rewarding stroll, viewing and contemplating what is available to visitors as an historical resource, as well as a place of quiet beauty. If you don't make the visitation now, the vegetation will only grow taller and more dense, removing some memorable viewing opportunities until next year.  
And don't forget the monthly open house at Hope Abbey Mausoleum. It's open the last Sunday of each month except December. The  next Last Sunday is January 27, from 1 to 4 pm. Combine that with a walk through the cemetery and you have a package that will keep you amazed at the beauty you'll experience. Stop at the small Garden Cottage near Hope Abbey to pick up some literature about the history and the people interred in the cemetery.   
When curiosity leads you to the next distant monument, please respect the yet-to-sprout ground cover by staying on the well- maintained trails and paths.
Cemetery Preservation Workshop
Thomas Condon

The Eugene Masonic Cemetery Association is sponsoring a workshop on Cemetery Preservation on Saturday, February 23.  Topics being covered include headstone cleaning, leveling and repair. 

The workshop is free to EMCA volunteers and runs from 10 AM to 4 PM, rain or shine. This is a hands-on training and all materials and equipment are provided, but do bring a bag lunch. 

Pre-registration is required. For questions, or to pre-register,  click here to contact Elizabeth.
John Bredesen, eNewsletter Editor
Eugene Masonic Cemetery Association