Eugene Masonic Cemetery Association eNewsletter
Hope Abbey Mausoleum

In This Issue
Best Wishes for 2018
2017 Project Review
Oregon Cultural Trust
Music To Die For
The popular Music To Die For music series will resume in June, 2018. It can't practically be continued during the colder months because there is no heat in the mausoleum.
About half of our operating funds come from sales of burials, goods and services. Project grants and endowments also provide some money, but nearly 40% has to come from from people who want to see the cemetery flourish. Please consider what this special place means to you and help us out. The Donate button will make that easy.
Burial Space  
for Sale
The Eugene Masonic Cemetery has burial lots to sell. We can accommodate earthen burials, cremations/urn and ashes. Your purchase provides a beautiful and meaningful place for your family to visit and helps support the cemetery.

For more information, please contact Sally at (541) 684-0949 or at

Best Wishes for 2018!

As 2017 rapidly comes to a close, the staff and Board of Directors of the Eugene Masonic Cemetery Association wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year!

Our group of dedicated volunteers has been operating this historic cemetery for over two decades, making it a safe, interesting and fun place to walk, contemplate and enjoy a very rural feeling completely surrounded by a busy city. This is made possible because of support from many organizations, and people like you, who have shared dollars and talent. Thank you!
2017 Project Review
By Sally Dietrich

Season's Greetings from Sally, your cemetery administrator!

I thought this would be a great time to bring you up to date on some of the projects we have been working on in the past year.
First of all, let's talk about our "new" climate! In the last several years we've noticed that the seasons, and consequently the plants, seem to have minds of their own. Patterns of growth have changed considerably. This is creating a new challenge in how best to manage the unpredictable. Our landscape manager Wendi, and new groundskeeper Diego, continue to devise and refine the best strategies for the years ahead. I just want to point out that we are fortunate to have a part time staff of dedicated landscapers who take the job of planning for the next year, AND the next 100 years, very seriously.
However, what doesn't change is the need for burial space. We continue to be an operating cemetery. This means that we are constantly assessing how best to do that, given the challenges of our terrain and landscape.   The cemetery has been on this site since 1859, and while the availability of burial space has not disappeared, it has diminished. More
Oregon Cultural Trust 

The Eugene Masonic Cemetery Association is listed with the Oregon Cultural Trust as a qualified non-profit. This means that a contribution made to the cemetery can be used to cover a matching donation to the O.C.T., which in turn can result in a dollar for dollar state tax rebate. Please visit the O.C.T. website for details. Oregon Cultural Trust Donation FAQ

It's not too late to make a last minute contribution to the Oregon Cultural Trust if you are reading this in 2017! Simply click on the link above and follow the instructions.

It's also not too late to make a last minute, year end contribution  to the continuing restoration of the Masonic Cemetery by clicking here. Thank you!
John Bredesen
eNewsletter Editor
Eugene Masonic Cemetery Association, 25th & University, Eugene, OR 97405
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